Dental implants




A dental implant is one of solutions to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants have increased in popularity over the years and are an ideal solution to replace missing teeth or are used to help fix a denture in place. In fact, dental implants are fast overtaking dentures and bridges as the preferred form of treatment for missing teeth.


A dental implant is a small, metal post that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums, which acts as a replacement for the root of a tooth. It is made from titanium and is inserted into a drilled socket within your jaw to enable the fitting of a replacement tooth (crown), bridge or dentures. Dentures and bridges mounted to implants won't slip or shift in your mouth, it is an especially important when eating and speaking. A single implant can support several teeth. The number you require will depend upon the extent of bone loss and your personal preferences.

Missing tooth:

Implant and abutment:

Crown centred on abutment:


  • Attractive, natural looking appearance.
  • Functions as well as a natural tooth.
  • Dental implants prevent bone loss, which is a common side effect of a missing tooth. Implant stimulates new bone growth and retains the structure of your jaw.
  • No adjacent teeth need to be prepared or ground down to hold your new replacement tooth/teeth in place.
  • Feels more natural than conventional bridges or dentures.
  • Prevents facial appearance changes caused by missing teeth.

Most people are suitable for an implant but there are a few exceptions. These include smokers, people who suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding), people with periodontal gum disease and anyone who drinks alcohol to excess.